
London Met partners up with Unitu

London Metropolitan University has teamed up with Unitu to improve real-time representative feedback and analyze patterns of student satisfaction. Learn about their exciting pilot programme.

Jun 18, 2021

UCL School of Pharmacy selects Unitu to gain insight on student satisfaction

Unitu is delighted to announce its partnership with the UCL School of Pharmacy. Read more about how Unitu will support staff and students.

Sep 07, 2020

UCL Climate and Space Physics chooses to receive regular student feedback on Unitu

Unitu is excited to partner with the UCL Department of Space and Climate Physics, a leading institution in space research. Unitu will support communication and democratic elections for students.

Sep 07, 2020

LSE Departments use Unitu to support their student voice initiatives

The London School of Economics and Political Science has chosen Unitu for their student voice project. Unitu’s founder, an LSE graduate, is excited to help make a difference.

Sep 04, 2020

Wrexham Glyndwr University chooses Unitu to close the feedback loop

Discover how Wrexham Glyndwr University will be using Unitu’s platform to connect with students and collate feedback during the new academic year. Technical integrations and additional features will ensure a seamless user experience.

Sep 04, 2020

Ulster University chooses Unitu to boost course rep engagement with students

Ulster University, the largest university in Northern Ireland, has partnered with Unitu to streamline its feedback system and enhance communication between staff and students. Read on to discover how the programme will be piloted across all of Ulster’s main faculties, and how it complements the university’s existing Student Voice structures.

Sep 04, 2020

University of Westminster uses Unitu to collect representative feedback from students

University of Westminster and Unitu are partnering to analyse student feedback and enhance the student experience. Learn about the School of Computer Science and Engineering’s pilot programme and Unitu’s additional features, including technical integrations through BlackBoard and Single Sign On.

Aug 27, 2020

Cambridge University Institute of Continuing Education selects Unitu for real-time student feedback

Explore the new partnership between Unitu and Cambridge ICE for better dialogue, feedback collection, and engagement with course reps.

Jun 25, 2020

Cardiff University chooses Unitu to effectively capture student feedback

Discover how Cardiff University uses Unitu to facilitate productive dialogue and address student concerns, especially during the COVID-19 crisis.

Jun 18, 2020

St Georges University of London selects Unitu for a more efficient way to close the feedback loop

SGUL partners with Unitu to capture student insights, ensuring transparency and ease of use, while integrating with Canvas and offering advanced sentiment analysis.

Feb 06, 2020

Most Popular Blogs

The Student feedback generator check list

Discover the 4 steps to optimise your feedback process to gather continuous feedback from students.

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Anish bagga

CEO, Co-Founder

October 22
at 10:30 PM

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