Content Policy

All content posted to Unitu should contribute to a constructive atmosphere. We promote discussion about the good and bad aspects of your academic experience – you are free to raise both ideas and complaints, but you must be mindful to do so in a suitable manner, as outlined by this Content Policy. Calmly raising an issue using appropriate language is encouraged; flagrant ranting about an issue is not.


On Unitu you have the ability to post anonymously at all times and remain anonymous on the platform. However if your account is suspended due to violations of the content policy and your universities code of conduct, or evidence of academic misconduct, Unitu will then have the right to waive your anonymity. We may also waive your anonymity should we have serious concerns for your welfare in order to refer you to support service. We will do so in a manner that your identity will only be known by Unitu and the appropriate staff in your institution.

3 Strike Policy

Unitu takes a zero tolerance policy towards any inappropriate content. If your content is reported and then subsequently removed three times you will encounter:

1. First Warning: As this is the first time content of yours has been reported and removed, we will only issue a warning.

2. Anonymity Disabled: Your ability to post content Anonymously will be instantly removed.

3. Account Suspension: Your Unitu account will be suspended and you will no longer be able access your account.

Prohibited Content

There are some types of content that are not permitted on any part of the Unitu platform, listed below. It is prohibited to post such content, to post links to such content, or to encourage others to post content that would breach this policy.

The following types of content are not permitted:

Disruptive and/or irrelevant. Content shared on the platform should be relevant to the topic being discussed at hand and while all opinions are welcome to be shared, they must be done so constructively and with the aim to contribute to the discussion.

Hate speech, defamation or libel. We encourage open and critical discussion of topics, but content that promotes or condones violence or incites hatred towards any individual or group based on their characteristics is prohibited. Other objectionable content that is unlawful, defamatory or fraudulent is also prohibited, as is any content that constitutes a direct attack on any individual or group.

Encouragement or incitement of violence.

Promotion, encouragement, facilitation or demonstration of illegal activities. The Unitu platform must not be used to promote any illegal activities or encourage others to engage in them. Note that, if appropriate, offending content may be shared with law enforcement agencies.

Threatening, abusive or aggressive language. Threats of any kind to any individual or group are strictly prohibited, as is threatening, abusive or aggressive language and content.

Harassment. Targeted harassment of any individual or group is strictly prohibited. Targeted efforts made on the platform to reveal one’s anonymity is considered harassment.

Sharing of other people’s personal information without their consent. Note that this does not include sharing information or content that is explicitly intended to be shared, such as a university’s contact email address or a link to a publicly accessible list of department staff emails and office hours. It is prohibited to encourage others to flout this rule by asking them to post personal information about themselves or others.

Crude content. Content posted with the primary intention of being shocking or graphic is not permitted. Content that may otherwise breach this rule may be permissible if it is appropriate for the nature of the course and accompanied with appropriate context – see “Academic Justification”.

Adult content. Sharing content (or links to content) of an adult or sexual nature is not permitted. Note that this does not include potentially adult content where it is appropriate for the nature of the course and accompanied with appropriate context – see “Academic Justification”.

Spam and advertising. The line between acceptable promotion and spam is defined by the value that the content brings to the community. Consider that content is probably spam if it brings no value to your peers, if it is very similar to content that is regularly downvoted, or if it is a deliberate re-posting of similar content that already exists. Promotion and advertising is permissible only where it is directly related to the academic experience and does not break any other rules in this policy. For example, making a post about an upcoming guest lecturer is okay; making multiple posts about it in a short period of time is not.

Malware, viruses, etc. The dissemination of malware, viruses or other malicious files is strictly prohibited. This includes sharing links to sites where this content may be available, links phishing or other fraudulent websites, etc.

Impersonation of others. Content is in breach of this Policy if it is likely to mislead or confuse others about its true origin, or cause offence to others (or otherwise violate this Policy) by obscuring or misrepresenting its true origin. Parody, where it does not otherwise violate this Policy, is permitted.

Copyright- and trademark-protected material. This material is not permitted unless the material’s owner has given expressed permission, or your usage is permitted under Fair Use guidelines.

Academic Justification

Sharing of external content that would, in and of itself, violate this Content Policy may be permitted if it is intended purely as a case study or example and carries relevant academic significance. For example, whilst hate speech is obviously prohibited, sharing a link to an essay containing hate speech for the sole purpose of discussing or citing that essay for its academic significance may be acceptable, provided that the context of the post makes the intention very clear.

In the case of sharing such content, the intention of the post and the nature of the content must be made explicitly clear by the context accompanying it. Links to such content are preferable to direct sharing, as they allow the viewer to make a conscious choice about the content they consume.

If in doubt about this policy, seek advice from a course rep, a moderator, or the Unitu team.

Enforcing This Policy

Please help us to enforce this policy by clicking “Report content” on anything that you believe is in violation of these rules. Once content has been reported, it will be subject to the following processes:

Reporting Process

  • When you report content, you will be required to select a reason and give the opportunity to add any comments that you feel will help the moderators.
  • Reported content will be hidden from you immediately, although it may still be visible to others on the platform. If several reports are received for the same piece of content, it will be hidden across the platform for all users until the moderation process has finished.
  • The creator of the content will receive an email informing them that it has been reported for the reason you selected, but without revealing your identity or the comments you added to your report.
  • The content will enter the appropriate moderation queue and should be dealt with soon.
  • You will receive an email when the moderation process has finished, informing you of the outcome.

Moderation Process

  • The moderators for the course hub or feedback board (depending on what you are reporting) will be notified of your report.
  • They will be able to see the reported content, your report against it (including comments), as well as the reports of everyone else who has reported that item of content.
  • They will make a decision as to whether that content is permissible, based on this Content Policy and that of the university. If they are unable to decide, they may escalate the issue to the Unitu team, which would cause the end of this process and start the escalation process.
  • When they have reached a decision, they will either remove or reinstate the content. Content that is removed will be replaced with a placeholder indicating that it was removed and explaining why.
  • The moderator will be required to write a message explaining their decision, which will be sent to the content creator and everyone who reported it.
  • If the content is removed, the creator will be able to appeal against this decision if they wish. If the content is not removed, any of the reporters will be able to appeal against this decision if they wish. Appeals are handled by the University, assisted by the Unitu team (see below).

Appeal/Escalation Policy

  • If a moderator’s decision is appealed by either side a member of the Unitu team will contact the University and assist them in making a final decision based on this Content Policy and that of the university.
  • Once a decision has been made by the University, the content will either be removed and replaced with a placeholder as explained above, or reinstated.
  • An email will be sent to the content creator to explain the decision.
  • Another email will be sent to everyone who reported the content (before and after it was escalated/appealed) to explain the decision.