Get real-time insights on the student experience

With Unitu, you can access rich, data-driven analytics in real-time — and keep your finger on the pulse of your student experience.


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Learn how to empower your students voice and improve the student experience

Easy access to feedback

Let your staff see what kind of feedback
students leave (Praise, Issue, Idea, or Question)
at a glance.

Empower students by making sure all demographics get a voice

With Unitu’s deep analytics, you can discover exactly who is most engaged with the process — and who isn’t — then take action.

Discover what’s working (and what’s not) in real-time

Taking NSS and PTES surveys as the building blocks, our platform helps you identify areas where improvements may be required.

No need to wait for NSS scores to
ignite change

Combining historical data with students' real-time feedback, Unitu allows you to quickly identify key areas of improvement and tackle them before the NSS.

Get real-time engagement data on your feedback loop

Analysis tool helps you to reach engagement data quickly and automatically, paving the way to improve the feedback loop

Pinpoint trends and themes from student feedback

Unitu automatically categorises student feedback to summarise the overall data.

What our client’s says

“Unitu gives us the ability to see patterns of feedback that appear not only across departments and faculties, but across the institution as a whole. This insight could be used to inform broader policy and operational approaches, identify solutions that are of genuine relevance to students and focus on the enhancements that deliver the most impact to the student experience.”

Chris Neil
UCL, Head of UCL Engineering’s Digital Innovation Unit

Observe the big picture without missing details

With our analysis tool, you can see the change in student experience on both the institutional and department/programme levels.

No more ‘one-size-fits-all’: Get specific analysis and improvement suggestions for your institution

Get unique suggestions to create the ideal feedback process for your institution’s needs.

What our client’s says

Unitu has been an ally in driving positive campus changes, from student wellbeing to catering and from sustainable transport to study and social spaces. It has also helped to increase NSS metrics, with improvements seen in the Learning Community and Student Voice categories.”

Debbie Ricci-Jones
Swansea University, Head of Student Partnership

Get the demo

Learn how to empower your students voice and improve the student experience