Student Governance best practice in Australia: learn 10 effective ways in student representation and leadership

Watch the replay of Fien Van den Steen’s webinar on student governance and leadership. Discover 10 key lessons from her experience and learn strategies for empowering students in governance roles in this insightful session on effective student representation.
 Fien Van den Steen

Event Overview

This webinar, featuring Fien Van den Steen, an accomplished student leader and former Student Senate Co-Chair at the University of the Sunshine Coast, explored key lessons from her rich experience in student governance and leadership. Participants learnt about critical success factors for effective student representation and discovered how staff members can empower students to excel in governance roles.

Fien’s unique perspective shed light on strategic governance within educational institutions, bridging the gap between student activities and institutional goals.

What you’ll learn:

  • A breakdown of the 10 crucial lessons learnt from Fien’s firsthand experience of three years in key governance roles.
  • Strategies for university staff to foster environments that support effective student governance.
  • Examination of broader implications for governance that apply beyond educational settings.


Watch the Replay:

Watch the replay to benefit from Fien Van den Steen’s direct experiences and innovative approaches to make student leadership more effective and impactful.


 Fien Van den Steen

Fien Van den Steen

Student and former Student Senate Co-Chair and Council member at University of the Sunshine Coast


Bruno Morche

University Engagement Manager

Speaker Profile

Fien Van den Steen

Student and former Student Senate Co-Chair and Council member at University of the Sunshine Coast

Fien Van den Steen is a graduating Bachelor of Environmental Management Student at the University of the Sunshine Coast. During her studies she co-chaired the student senate (the head student representative body) and was member of the University’s Council (the head governing body). She also relaunched and presides the Enactus student club for social entrepreneurial students and co-founded and runs the Upskilling Sustainability initiative, after becoming Green Ambassador to Humanitarian Affairs. For her achievements she won the Australasian Green Gown Awards 2023, the Australian Council of Environmental Deans and Directors Scholar Award 2023, and the UniSC Student Representative of the Year 2023 and Sustainability Champion 2023 awards. With these intersecting passions for sustainability and strategic governance, Fien aspires to work for the United Nations and inspire global sustainability.

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