Strategies to Empower Students in University Committees

Feel that student voices are unheard in your university committees? Watch our insightful webinar to discover how to enhance student participation and impact. We’ll share practical strategies for improved engagement, equitable committee cultures, and effective communication. Perfect for student leaders or coordinators aiming to make a meaningful difference in their institutions.
Stephanie Lomas
Kevin McStravock
Rebecca Freeman
Tom Lowe

Event Overview

Do you feel that students’ voice are not well represented in your university committee?

University committees are responsible for making important decisions that impact the academic and administrative aspects of the university. However, student participation in these committees can often be limited, and their voices may not be adequately represented in the decision-making process.

That’s why we are excited to offer this webinar panel, where experts in higher education discuss practical insights and best practices for enhancing student participation and impact in committees.

Through this panel-style discussion, you will learn about:

  • Experiences of students and staff around student engagement in key University governance structures
  • Key challenges that students face when participating in committees and how to address them
  • Discussing if students on committees is an effective way for co-creation and student/staff decision making
  • Strategies for creating more inclusive and equitable committee cultures
  • Improving communication channels between students and committee members

By watching this webinar, you will gain valuable insights into how to empower students to make meaningful contributions to university committees. Whether you are a student leader or student voice coordinator, this webinar is designed to provide practical strategies that you can apply in your own institution.


Stephanie Lomas

Stephanie Lomas

Student Voice Coordinator at UCLan SU
Kevin McStravock

Kevin McStravock

Lead Policy Officer at QAA
Rebecca Freeman

Rebecca Freeman

Dean of Students at the University of Warwick
Tom Lowe

Tom Lowe

Chair of RAISE


Ashley Storer-Smith

Student Voice Manager at the University of Nottingham SU

Speaker Profile

Stephanie Lomas

Student Voice Coordinator at UCLan SU

Steph is the Student Voice Coordinator at UCLan SU, where she was twice elected as VP Education and two years as School President. Steph has lobbied on a national level around the dangers of Essay Mills working with QAA and the Government to provide the human side around their impact on students. Steph has the pleasure of working with academic representatives from the SU, and advocates for the power of student voice within decisions to create student centred and impactful change, whilst also empowering representatives to look after themselves.

Kevin McStravock

Lead Policy Officer at QAA

Kevin McStravock is the Lead Policy Officer for Devolved Nations and Europe at QAA, the UK’s independent quality body for higher education. He has extensive experience in student representation, having served as Vice President and President of Ulster University Students’ Union and Deputy President/Vice President for Academic Affairs at the Union of Students in Ireland.
He is an Associate Fellow of Advance HE and holds an undergraduate degree in Journalism with French from and a Masters in Student Engagement in Higher Education.

Rebecca Freeman

Dean of Students at the University of Warwick

Professor Rebecca Freeman is the Dean of Students at the University of Warwick, responsible for ensuring academic success for the university’s 29,000 students across 33 academic departments. Rebecca has long championed student voice and co-creation. Her research focuses on student voice and forms of power in higher education and underpins the significant range of strategic initiatives that she leads across the institution and nationally. These successes build on her early sector work on student partnership through the CETLs and as a QAA Student Reviewer.

Tom Lowe

Chair of RAISE

Tom Lowe is a Senior Lecturer in Higher Education at the University of Portsmouth, where his research includes student engagement in development of education, embedding employability into the curriculum and supporting student belonging. Tom is also a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and Chair of the RAISE Network. Prior to Portsmouth, Tom was the Head of Student Engagement and Employability at the University of Winchester. He has recently published a book on student engagement and has worked as an advisor across more than 30 universities internationally.

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