Sentiment Checker

To help you increase the impact of your voice on the platform and increase the level of engagement with staff and students, we are providing new functionality to help you make your voice sound more constructive, collaborative and respectful while it still conveys the same viewpoints through the use of sentiment analysis techniques.

After analysing the type of comments posted on the platform and listening to the feedback from our users, we have decided to introduce Sentiment Checker. The goal is to use AI to monitor all posts and comments and flag anything inappropriate before it is posted on to the platform. We hope that it will improve the tone of comments and posts and continue to strengthen the the student-staff community on the platform.

How does it work?

You may start seeing prompts like these when you are trying to create a post or comment on it:

The prompt zoomed in:

What happened in the background?

When you were done with writing your text and you clicked on “Post”, the text was sent to our backend Cognitive server to be analysed. This service analyses your text based on different factors and using advanced AI and Machine Learning Models. All text sent to this service is sent anonymously, regardless of how you posted the comment or post on Unitu, to protect privacy. If the text is detected to be negative then, you will see the error message shown above.

What can you do?

At this point, you will have two options. You can send the comment or post as is by clicking on the “Post Anyway” button or you can go back and change your wording to make the text sound more constructive, collaborative and respectful. We highly recommend you to choose the second option and to help you edit your speech we have compiled a few short tips on writing positive comments here: 

How to write constructive feedback

The Benefits

For Staff:They will be able to interact with more constructive feedback from students.

For Students: They will be able to voice their opinions more effectively and see more positive engagement from staff.

Beta Release

We are constantly improving our system to increase the accuracy of this feature further.

Therefore, if you feel the sentiment analysis was wrong for your text or you have some more questions or you would like to let us know your thoughts about this new feature, please use the form below to contact us. We will highly appreciate any feedback and will be happy to help you out.

Let us know your thoughts

Unitu helps universities to improve the student experience by effectively engaging with the student voice in real time.

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