Posting Guidelines:
All contributions on Unitu should align with our content policy, aiming to build a constructive community. Feel free to share your academic experiences, both positive and negative, but ensure they adhere to the following standards:
Anonymity on Unitu: You can always post anonymously on Unitu. However, if your account gets suspended due to policy breaches, academic misconduct, or if we have concerns about your welfare, Unitu reserves the right to waive your anonymity. In such cases, only relevant staff at your institution and Unitu will be privy to your identity.
Three Strike Rule: If your content is flagged and removed three times, the following will occur:
Reporting & Moderation:
If you come across content that violates this policy, use the “Report content” option. Upon reporting, the content will be concealed from your view. If several reports are received, it will be hidden for everyone until moderation is complete. Moderators will evaluate reports and, based on this policy and the university’s guidelines, decide on the content’s status. Appeals against moderation decisions will be managed by the University, with assistance from the Unitu team.
Academic Justification:
Content that generally breaches the policy might be permitted if it serves an academic purpose. In such cases, the intention and nature of the content should be crystal clear. Links are preferable to direct sharing, letting viewers choose what they view.
If unsure about content suitability, consult a course representative, moderator, or the Unitu team.Care should be taken to ensure that any identification (directly or indirectly) is accompanied by context that clarifies the intent is not personal criticism or targeting. Regarding feedback negative in tone, care must be taken to ensure that the mention of individuals does not devolve into personal attacks or non-constructive criticism. The goal is to foster a constructive and respectful environment that encourages open dialogue without compromising individual well-being.